How Often Does A House Need To Be Dusted?

Recent studies have shown that the average household spends almost two hours each day for just doing household maintenance, with much of that time dedicated to cleaning their house alone. However, while doing the laundry or washing the dishes may be part of every person’s daily cleaning routine, there is one task that tends to be more of an afterthought when it comes to getting your household clean and tidy – dusting.

If you are allowing it to become a seldom activity, however, you might want to reconsider it. According to one study published just recently, the composition of most of the household dust is significantly grosser than you might have imagined – combining the dead skin, fungi, and bacteria ranging from the benign ones to the potentially harmful ones. So the main question in here is, how often should you dust in your house?

Dust off Regularly – With the Right Approach

It is recommend to dust your home at least once per month for accessible areas, and every three to six months for those areas that are hard to reach regularly such as ceilings, corners, door frames, and high shelves, since going any longer may start to cause some cases of allergies or respiratory problems to those living in your home.

Instead of simply running a duster over your surfaces as you see fit, having a plan of proper approach of cleaning will help you avoid simply redistributing dust throughout your home as you go. In terms of approach, cleaning dust from top to bottom, and making your way around the room in the same direction is the tried-and-tested method. And as for what tools to use, not all methods are created equal. For dust that eventually stuck due to moisture and not cleaned off immediately, light cleaning is not enough.  When this happens, using a damp cloth is usually the best approach.

For dust that hasn’t yet attached itself, a research published just recently reveals that vacuuming is the most effective means of removal, followed by a microfiber cloth. What about those traditional dusters? While they may grab some of the residue on your surfaces, much of what they’ll accomplish is simply moving what you’ve wiped off of one surface onto another.

While it is good that you do most house chores regularly, do not forget dusting regularly. Doing so would prevent us and our families from having certain illnesses.